Friday, September 21, 2012

Been gone a looong while! It's so hard to keep up with computer stuff when you are loving on two sweet baby girls! We have been having a blast here lately. Bailey is about to be 2 and talking up a storm. I was so worried about her lack of speech but she finally hit that "speech explosion" everyone kept telling me about. I guess the easiest way to update is to give a few fun facts about each girl.
Loves to make messes. Loves to be outside and running! She is still totally into her babies. Bailey loves to do art projects including ones involving coloring her baby sister with markers. ( on dad's watch). She is def a runner! As soon as we walk out the door she is running from me. Her favorite foods are well pretty much anything! She is a great little eater! We hit up the park often to get all her energy out. She has also developed quite the attitude. Typical toddler mischief mostly. Her favorite song is I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee. Her favorite person is still momma!

7 months 
Loves to laugh and smile at everything mom! She is now crawling as of last week. We still aren't doing solids on any regular schedule just once or twice a day. She will eat just about anything as well. Still not sleeping through the night but only wakes once to eat really quick. She is so calm and happy all the time... unless she is hungry or way too tired. Basically she is the exact opposite of Bailey.  The girls really love each other and it is so amazing to see them interact. Bath time is my fav right now. 

I'm on the iPad so forgive any silly typos and I can't figure out how to do pics from here!! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

As you can tell from my absence we have been super busy! Mckenna is now three months old.  She rolled over and laughed for the first time all on this past Sunday. She is one happy little baby once we got past the evening fussies. She is content on your lap, in her bouncer, in the swing, on her playmat... Just about anywhere. This is so different from Bailey. Bailey needed constant attention. Speaking of her..
Bailey is getting so grown up. She is such a fun kid to be around. She is funny and happy and loves her baby sister (for the most part). She is a typical toddler and throws fits or whines for stuff but not too often! The child still isn't talking much! She says a few words but not like I know she should be saying by now. She understands absolutely everything we say, she can point to any object in a book, she knows her body parts, and can get what she wants done by gestures. She just wont talk. I have heard her say "more" a lot but if I ask her to say more in order to get something she wants she shuts down. She does not like to repeat what we say like a lot of children her age. Everyone tells me she is fine but of course I still worry. We have been playing in the backyard a lot with the hose and chalk. She loves to be outside and it is hard for me to get out with 2 still. I really want one of those backyard climbers and a baby pool maybe. She would love that!
Jared and I will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary on the 26th (ann is the 29th). Both Grandmas will take a baby! I am excited to get out without the kiddos. We havent been on a date in quite some time!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Busy Busy

Busy is an understatement! Life with 2 little ones is hectic and crazy! Also a lot of fun and full of adventure! Sometimes they are both crying, hungry, and need to be held. Mostly Bailey is very patient and lets us do most things. She doesn't mind us just holding and cuddling McKenna. When I was pregnant I remember feeling sad that I wouldn't get to sit around and let McKenna cuddle on my chest but that is where she is at this very moment and Bailey is next to me too! I also sadly had to go back to work after only 4 weeks off. There is a reason mommas are supposed to stay home for at least 6 weeks and longer if possible. It's the sleep issue that is hard on me. I used to get my sleep from 5- 9:30 and Jared did Bailey first thing in the morning! Now I have to get up at 5 to get ready! The first night was awful but last night I got great sleep- 5 hours straight for the first stretch! I have been letting McKenna sleep with me because I was so desperate for sleep. Im not sure yet if I am going to regret it or love it! I never thought I would be a co-sleeping mom but it sure is nice having her right next to me! Sadly I still have never slept at night with Bailey. She was always such a great independent sleeper! With McKenna being my last it is kinda nice to get these extra long cuddles. She will only be this small once!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome Baby McKenna!!!

McKenna Faith Dean was born 2/22/12 at 1:19! It was a super easy and quick delivery! In fact the nurse even said it was a good thing I was induced or I might have had the baby at home! haha I think she was half kidding but it was easy peasy getting that girl out! I labored for a bit without an epidural and as soon as I had my epidural it was pretty much time to push her on out! 6 pushes and she was here! She is super laid back so far and only cries when she is hungry or when I am changing her diaper. She is so different from big sister. I worry if she is ok because she will just lay there contently and stare at her surroundings. Bailey always seemed to need one of us to talk to her and hold her. Speaking of Bailey she absolutely loves her little sister and loves having a real baby in her house. She looks for her when she is in her bassinet and if she makes a noise Bailey will def let you know! She will cry or get sad when McKenna cries. It is the cutest thing! She is however a bit more fussy and lot more whiny! She knows life has forever changed for her but I wold say she is taking it all fairly well. I was worried she might be jealous when we held the baby but she doesn't mind it at all. I was holding them both yesterday and it really hit me that I have TWO daughters! Crazy! 17 months ago I didn't have any and now I have 2! Life is wonderful- crazy exhausting but wonderful!

Silly Bailey

Sweet McKenna

The first of many kisses.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quick Update

Life has been crazy!!! Waiting for this little baby to come and enjoying Bailey in the mean time as an only child (that lives here). She def keeps me so so busy and we are just not sure how it will work when McKenna arrives! Guess we will find out soon enough as I will be induced Wednesday morning 2-22-12. Since I got my Iphone I'm never on my real computer anymore so my blogging has ceased to exist! Hopefully when baby gets here I will be a bit better at updating!

Cookie Baking Day

Love this photo!

She adores her sister!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's been a LONG while!

Christmas came and went and now we are looking forward to New Year's Eve! As much as one can look forward to it being 8 months pregnant with a toddler! And oh my is she def a toddler now! She is all over the place! I can hardly keep up with her these days! She is a running, climbing little busy bee. She had a great time on Christmas eve and day opening presents and playing with her new toys. We didn't have Kyleigh this year so it was pretty low key Christmas morning as she of course doesn't get the whole Santa thing. We had a blast with all of her cousins the days following Christmas. She kinda just fit herself right in with the others. It was so nice to be with ALL my family!
At nearly 15 months she just amazes me every day with how much she understands us! She doesn't say too much yet- only mama, dada, and baby (I have heard "more" once or twice) but I am sure she is just soaking it all up so that one day she can talk my ear right off!
I am coming up on 32 weeks next week and I am still not ready to be a mamma of 2 babies! I'm nervous, scared, and very excited. I am mostly worried about Bailey and how she is going to react to a new baby taking up half of our attention. I worry about nursing McKenna and keeping up with Bailey. I worry about how the heck I am going to keep this house decent looking as it is already so hard to keep it picked up with just one little one here. I am confident that we will get it all worked out and things will be fine- I'm just a tad nervous is all!



Christmas morning

Family picture!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A sweet girl!

I have been having so much fun with my sweet baby lately. She has mostly stopped hitting people and is so sweet to her buddy (as much as 1 yr olds can be buddies) Alena. Alena used to get hit, pushed and hair pulled by Bailey on a regular basis. The last month she has been hugging her and petting her hair like I kept showing her to do! Guess what folks? Teaching them how to behave works! haha Today her friend was here for a short play time and Bailey would not stop hugging her! She hugged her so much that now she cries when Bailey does it! O'well at least she is being sweet! We have been spending so much time walking up and down my street. She BEGS to go outside every evening. It has been so pretty I don't mind at all! She knows when I put her shoes on that she is about to go out and gets very upset when I put her in the car instead of letting her explore. Luckily I can just give her the lovey and all is well. Her little brain is making so many connections now it is amazing to see her learn and do new things daily.

October flew by and I cant believe Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks! Having kids def makes life fly by too fast. I am getting super excited to meet McKenna. I can't wait to cuddle and hold her. Anxious to see how Bailey reacts to her as well.  Sorry it's been so long since I updated but I am pretty much just exhausted by the time I get Bailey to bed and the house picked up! I am so excited to have a 9 day break from work in just 5 days!!! It is going to be amazing!