Friday, June 3, 2011

My baby is turning into a person

Bailey is getting so so big! I took a picture of her today and I swear she already looks like a toddler! What happened to my little alien like newborn? She was so calm and sweet and still. I saw Bailey cruising along the couch for the first time today! She has been pulling up and standing alone for about 10 or 20 seconds but hadn't figured out she could hold on and actually move until today. She doesn't just fall onto her little bum anymore she sits down very carefully and slowly! She can even crouch already!
I also introduced her to finger foods this past week. She will now eat peas!!!! But hates carrots! She used to be the opposite! I still give her some purees but she is feeding herself something at each meal! It seems like just a few weeks ago she would choke on cheerios and now she can skillfully mash with her gums. Yep gums only! This almost 8 month old still does not have any teeth and there aren't any signs of imminent teething either! It's ok I want to hold onto her gummy little smile a bit longer anyway! Oh and her new love is blueberries! Of course she would pick the most expensive berry to love. 
We also seem to be getting over the fussy stage she was having. Each night is filled with chattering, giggles, and lots of playing together! I love this stage!!! AND she is sleeping a solid 9 hours... then goes back to sleep for 3 or 4 more! I am getting some great sleep.
But the greatest news of all is that SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER! Thats right folks I am a stay at home mom... for 2.5 glorious months!!! I am just gonna soak up this little angel and I can't wait! Life is so wonderful!

Playing with the BEST big sister ever!!!

Sitting ever so gently!

Picture that reminded me of a toddler

Her new scrunchy nose smile!

Beautiful Baby

First shoe experience- she is not a fan!

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