Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh the Joys!!!

So I got home from working half day today with some lunch for Jared and I. I could hear Bailey squealing and having a good time in her crib (which she often does). So anyhow I decided to eat and let her be for a little longer. After about 20 minutes I went in to get her! As soon as I opened the door the smell hit me! She was standing up smiling and giddy with joy that I was home- I could see she was nakey! Her diaper was just chilling in the crib. I walked in the room and then saw the paint job she gave her crib, sheets, legs, and yes face!!! The poo was everywhere! Her hands were caked! It was one of those moments when you just don't know what to do or where to begin. I yelled for Jared and he helped me clean up the poo from the bed while I bathed her! I think I washed her hands 6 times before the smell left! I washed the bedding and loveys twice in hot water. It was just awful! I know it will make a funny story later but this preggo sure did have hard time stomaching Bailey's massive mess today! She is too young to start this! On a positive note I think Jared will start getting her dressed now! He thinks she loves being in a diaper (really it's just super hard to dress this crazy girl)!


  1. LOL. Shannon is all about letting Adam just hang in a diaper too - it's hot and it's easier just not to dress him... but I'm afraid of the day he does that!

    You'll laugh someday. I'm sure that you slept really well last night though... :)
