Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Couple Firsts

Bailey is officially walking! She still loves to crawl especially if she wants to get somewhere quick but she walks a lot too! I can't wait for her knees and feet to not get so dirty! (no matter how often we mop the dirt is still there) She started all the walking last week! So my 9 month prediction was right! She will be 10 months this Saturday... only 2 months away from her 1st B-day *tear*

Bailey is also waving hello and bye now! It is so cute! Even when we get out of the car to just go into WalGreens she raises her hand to say hello. Not sure who she is saying hi to or if she just thinks anytime we go somewhere new she is supposed to raise her arm and move her fingers. When we walk out to the garage to throw away dirty diapers she waves to the garage too!  She is almost clapping as well. She does a whole lot of mimicking. Last night Grandma Sara and Pops were telling her "bye bye" and she said "bye bye" in a sweet little voice. She was just copying the sounds they were making so I am not sure if that counts as a first word or not...

She loves Itsy bitsy Spider and This little Piggy Went to Market. If she is mad I try those 2 things and she usually cheers right on up. And oh can she get mad. She def has a temper and she did NOT get that from me! (ahem- Jared) When she is doing something "naughty" and I tell her "No m'am" or "Stop" in a stern voice she just smiles like I am telling her a joke and goes right back to what she was doing. She doesn't get my mad face yet!

Baby number 2 is growing great! My belly is already getting big! I look like I am 5 months already! And no we are not having twins! ;)


  1. GO BAILEY! What an ambitious and smart little girl! I can't wait to see her again.

    And I laugh at the temper and her not getting it from you... I'm going to have to agree with you on that one, because you are probably the easiest person to get along with that I know. (Sorry Jared, facts are in.)

    And I don't know if this helps or not -- Adam still doesn't know my mad face. He just makes it right back at me and giggles, then did what I told him "no" for even more... if that's possible. :)

    Come see us! :)

  2. def counts as first word!! and once again, like father like daughter on walking and temper. really smart people get impatient with life cuz it doesn't go the 'right' way...their way! ;)

  3. walking and talking??? that girl is on a roll! miss her!
