Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big News!

Jared and I found out a couple weeks ago that we are expecting our next child! It is a tad early but we are so excited that Bailey will have a sibling so close in age! They will have a blast growing up together! We will have a tough, busy, hectic, and wonderful few years of 2 babies in diapers etc... But I couldn't be happier!

 New baby means all those pesky Dr appts. I wanted to switch to a new Dr. with my next pregnancy but it looks like I will just stick with my old one! I was all set to move to a new Dr right here in Shertz until I called today and they informed me that "oh nope I'm unable to schedule an appt for you because we have dropped your insurance!" This same practice dropped my insurance 5 yrs ago and that is when I switched to my current Dr. I called just to see if they took my insurance again and was excited that they did! And now they don't- as of yesterday! Make up your minds people! I'm ok with my current Dr. it's just that he never remembered a thing about me. He was always asking what I did for a living...I wanted to tell him to just make a note on my file so he could pretend to know me! Which reminds me I LOVE Bailey's pediatrician! He remembers EVERY single reason he has ever seen us. I'm sure he just takes notes but it feels great and I feel like he really cares about her. He needs to call my OBGYN and let him know how to make his patient happy! ;) All this leads to her 9 month appt! Her appt was on a Wednesday and she was healthy and fabulous! She is weighing in at 18 lbs and is a whopping 29.5 inches tall! In the wee hours of Thursday morning both Bailey and I had caught a stomach bug! It was awful! Then by Friday it seemed she had pink eye too! We went back to the Dr and he couldn't believe how sad and pathetic poor Bailey looked! She was all whiny and her eye balls were all red and gunky! He prescribed drops and voila her eyes were better the next day! As of now we are all better! Well now Kyleigh is suffering from allergies but that is a pretty normal occurrence for her.

We have had Kyleigh all month and this summer is just flying by! We have been swimming, playing outside, hanging with family, and she has been doing gymnastics! (Thanks Grandma Gail aka- GiGi) Apparently she had been asking to do gymnastics since she was little and now she is finally getting to do it! This week she has been doing VBS and loving it! We are hoping to make a trip down to the beach the last weekend in July! Im sure I'm leaving a bunch of stuff out but this post has WAY too much info as it is!

Baby Dean


  1. Congratulations that is so exciting!!


  2. crossing my fingers for a boy!
