Monday, January 24, 2011

Life is Fabulous

We had a great quiet weekend here in the Dean household! Kyleigh was here and we baked in here Easy Bake Oven (not so easy by the way), played dolls, and of course cuddled up on Bailey! The 2 girls are really starting to look just alike!

This is a picture of them right before church this past Sunday. It seems easier when Kyleigh is here~ she can hold B and keep her entertained while I get stuff done. I started making baby food for her this weekend and I am so excited. My first recipes were organic peas, and bananas with peaches.  I am going to make apples and chicken with apples tonight. I can't wait for Bailey to get to eat it! We are going to start early at 4 months. She sits up, holds head really well, and seems starving and in need of more than just milk. I know many websites say to wait but Im the Momma and I am making this executive decision. She has tasted a bit of cereal and can swallow and basically lunges at the spoon for more. I feel confident in my decision!

Another thing I have been pondering is getting her ears pierced. Both of our families think we should wait but I am all about getting it over with. Many kids mess with them and don't take care of them when they get older. Doing now while she is an infant I can be in charge of turning them and cleaning them. My friend recently pierced her daughters ears and the pain only lasted an instant and it is now done for life. No troubles at all! We shall see what I decide.

I would also like to publicly thank Jared for being such a great Daddy! He is so helpful and he and B are so close! I love the bond that they will have! Here is a great shot of the two of them playing and talking!

Here is one more shot of my beautiful princess all sacked out on Daddy after a nice long walk in this beautiful South Texas weather! Life is just too perfect! Thank you Lord for all our blessings!

Oh and on another exciting note~ we just got a new (used) car. We got a Toyota Sequioa and are loving all the room we now have! Car seats are fitting so much better than in our Corolla!


  1. Lisa,

    I was searching for my GF blog and came across yours. Started reading and wanted to share a thought and my experience about your desire to have your infant's ears pierced now.

    First, I don't think your're crazy wanting your dd's ears pierced. Admittedly, I know a lot of
    people have strong feelings when to pierce a child's ear. "Let them decide" is being replaced by parental decision when mommy intuition knows, "earlier is better" from either personal or friend's experiences of unpleasant childhood ear piercing. I think it just depends on your own personal choice whether or not you wish your baby or little girl to have pierced ears. Some feel perceived gender of their child is important while others find it a cultural tradition where all infant girls have pierced ears.

    Second,I pierced our oldest daughter's ears when she was six weeks old and our youngest at just days old. Our ped who encouraged me to go ahead early.She had her dd's done at Piercing Pagoda and recommended them due to their professional training and experience with infant ear piercing. Having so many moms ask her about it, she put together some suggestions for moms having their dd's ears pierced.Your're welcome to them.

    Third, my mom pierced my ears when I was 2 days old as and I've loved it....I think earrings on
    little girls are adorable! If you don't know how she'd look at any age, then hold up a pair of your studs to your daughters ear and decide for yourself. Many moms including myself like the look of earrings on babies and little girls for no specific reason, but like how light plays off a simple gold ball on a bald baby girl or small gold hoop poking through the hair of a toddler.

    Cerebrally, as mothers of girls of all ages, we know it celebrates their femaleness and femininity. After all, they are little girls, right?

    Lastly, I think down deep, your mommy intuition is really telling you earlier is better to pierce your dd's ears now. You said it best in your comment, "... I am all about getting it over with. ...Doing now while she is an infant I can be in charge of turning them and cleaning them." You're right. I think you should not worry about others opinions since she is your daughter and if you want her ears pierced, do it. Don't resisting a primal urge with one part of you secretly wanting your daughter's ears pierced. I'd say go ahead and have it done soon and not worry about it anymore giving your daughter the "gift of pierced ears" now. She'll thank you later when all the other girls in preschool see her with earrings and are envious of you being such a smart mommy for doing it when you could care for them and she didn't remember having them done.

    Please write me an e-mail if you would like our ped's suggestions for moms having their dd's ears pierced.


  2. Loving the girls' bows!! Too cute!!!

  3. Makes me smile to hear that you are doing so well! Being a mommy is so much fun :)

  4. I make my own baby food as well and started A at 4.5 months on starter foods. there is a great website if you need one... I would have to look it up. He is a great eater and loves my food (we will try to feed him store food at moms sometimes and the difference is noticable!)

  5. Cute pictures! Hope she enjoys the baby food! Adam started early and couldn't get enough - and now he's loving the "big people" food too. :)

  6. Do her ears now! My mom said the earlier the easier because we didn't know we had ears yet, so we didn't mess with them, making the healing process much easier!
