Saturday, January 15, 2011


Now I know that this is something all parents go through and many would tell me to suck it up but.... I MISS sleeping! I love to sleep, Jared loves to sleep, but our angel baby does not. She isn't a horrible sleeper like I've heard others can be it's just the natural waking time that most babies go through. I thought somewhere way back in my mind that naturally my child would be one of the few who sleep through the night at 4 weeks. HA! I literally get jealous of people who get to sleep. Like when I was leaving my parents house last night~ when I pulled out into the cold rain I had a twinge of jealousy that they were going back in their warm home and would probably go to sleep soon and get to stay asleep. Is this normal? Should I feel jealous? I just want to sleep for 9 hours straight! When will I be able to partake in this favorite past time of mine? I hear many horror stories of 10 months old and still waking up every 3 hours. Now that I am actually complaining about this I'm sure she will never sleep through the night! I should stop really but I had to complain to someone! Why not everyone? I even *gasp* put cereal in her bottle upon much urging from a friend..... it didn't work just like all the websites told me it wouldn't. I had to try though. I remember saying this whole waking to pee thing when I was pregnant was there to prepare me for waking to feed a baby. NOT! In no way did it prepare me to wake up every 3 hours for 30-45 minutes at a time.
I love being a mommy I just wish I could sleep and I know one day I will. I just had to get this off my chest and out in the blogging world! Now I feel better. On another note Bailey is rolling over! I put her on her play mat and laid her on her back to go make dinner. Jared called from the other room "Babe did you lay her on her tummy?" Yup my amazing baby rolled over and of course she was mad! She hates being on her tummy! It seems to be a regular thing now, only we don't know why cause she hates to be on her tummy! She can't go from her tummy to her back which I hear is what they normally do first. So we always end up putting her back to her back. Silly girl! Love her!

                                                           Scrunchy nose!


  1. Well, just saying.. My son did not sleep through the nite until he was about 5 years old.. So I can for SURE relate! Hang in will get better!

  2. Amber and I switched nights, so each parent gets a full nights sleep on the weekend and the mommy gets to have uninterupted sleep during the week. Worked pretty well for two horrible sleepers.

  3. I hate the moments when I had to frequent the toilet during the first three months of my pregnancy. Now my baby is 7 months old and I'm thankful that he's a good sleeper at most nights. I think babies will start to be good sleepers at night when they're 4-5months old. Anyway, I just stopped over from FTLOB comment love day=)

  4. Dude... I don't know if it's normal to be jealous of people who get to sleep, but I sure am. I secretly think, "you don't know how good you have it, sister." We can start a hater's club.

    I can tell you that it did get easier once Shannon could go in with a bottle. Maybe give her a bottle in the middle of the night and send Jared in? It's faster and maybe you'll get 6 hours of sleep at a time at least. :)

  5. Sleep is overrated. You can sleep when your dead.

    I love her scrunchy nose!
